by BehindJava

Write a program to List out files and directories in the specified directory or folder in Java

Home » interview » Write a program to List out files and directories in the specified directory or folder in Java

In Java, file handling is a crucial subject. In your interview, you’ll be asked numerous questions about this subject. I have addressed some of the file handling interview questions, such as how to compare two text files, how to set file permissions, how to append text to a file, how to count characters, words, and lines in a text file, and how to determine the most repeated words in a text file. More file management software is available here. From there, we’ll learn in this tutorial how to use some straightforward examples and java 8 code to list all files in a directory in java. In this blog, we are going to learn about file operations in Java to List out all files and directories in a folder.

Lets say I have a folder with the different files as shown in the below image and I want to List the files present in the folder.

List of all files and directories

List of all files and directories


public class BehindJavaFileOps {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Creating a File object for directory
		File directoryPath = new File("E:\\Studies\\2 semester\\273 Hack Tricks");
		// List of all files and directories
		File filesList[] = directoryPath.listFiles();
		System.out.println("List of files and directories in the specified directory:");
		System.out.println(" ");
		for (File file : filesList) {
			String ss = file.getName();


List of files and directories in the specified directory:
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