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Why SpringBoot 2.2.2 Jackson serializer for custom pagination doesn't work

Home » springboot » Why SpringBoot 2.2.2 Jackson serializer for custom pagination doesn't work

In this tutorial we are going to understand Why SpringBoot 2.2.2 Jackson serializer for custom pagination doesn’t work.

Since SpringBoot 2.2.2, the custom pagination serializer with Jackson (2.10.1) doesn’t work and isn’t executed when serializing.

The behavior has changed since SpringBoot 2.2.2. You have to go through the registration of the module.

 * This class allows to specify configuration related to the Web MVC part.
public class WebConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    private static final String JSON_DATA_PROPERTY = "data";

     * Allows to configure a {@link JsonSerializer} for pagination.
     * @return an instance of {@link Module}.
    private Module preparePageModule() {
        return new SimpleModule().addSerializer(Page.class, new JsonSerializer<>() {
            public void serialize(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Page page, final JsonGenerator jsonGenerator,
                    final SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException {

                jsonGenerator.writeObjectField(JSON_DATA_PROPERTY, page.getContent());
                jsonGenerator.writeNumberField("page", page.getNumber() + 1);
                jsonGenerator.writeNumberField("totalPages", page.getTotalPages());
                jsonGenerator.writeNumberField("totalElements", page.getTotalElements());
                jsonGenerator.writeNumberField("perPage", page.getSize());

     * Allows to configure the Jackson object mapper.