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How do independent Microservices communicate with each other

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In this tutorial, we are going to learn about independent microservices communicate with other.

Synchronous Calls

Service 1 fires a message to a message broker and forgets about it. Service 2 subscribes to a topic is fed with all messages belonging to that topic. The services don’t need to know each other at all, they just need to know that there are messages of a certain type with a certain payload. synchronous API calls is not recommended. comm

In this model Service A makes a HTTP call to Service B and waits for Service B to return the response. This is a synchronous call, where Service A is dependent on Service B and also increases the coupling.


What if Service 2 needs very long to process the Service 1’s request and Service 1 is tired of waiting? Service 1 will then probably have some sort of timeout exception and roll back the current transaction. However, Service 2 doesn’t know that Service 1 rolled back the transaction and might process the request after all, perhaps resulting in inconsistent data between the two services.

Strong Coupling

Naturally, synchronous communication creates a strong coupling between the services. Service 1 cannot work without Service 2 being available. To mitigate this, we have to work around communication failures by implementing retry and / or fallback mechanisms. Luckily, we have Hystrix, enabling us to do exactly this. However, retries and fallbacks only go so far and might not cover all business requirements.

Easy to Implement

Hey, it’s synchronous communication! We’ve all done it before. And thus we can do it again easily. Let’s just get the latest version of our favorite HTTP client library and implement it. It’s easy as pie (as long as we don’t have to think about retries and fallbacks, that is).

Simple Messaging

Asynchronous messaging is the next option we take a look at.

Let’s discuss messaging.

Automatic Retry

Depending on the message broker, we get a retry mechanism for free. If Service 2 is currently not available, the message broker will try to deliver the message again until Service 2 finally gets it. “Guaranteed Delivery” is the magic keyword.

Loose Coupling

Along the same lines, messaging makes the services loosely coupled since Service 2 doesn’t need to be available at the time Service 1 sends the message.

Message Broker must not fail

Using a message broker, we just introduced a piece of central infrastructure that is needed by all services that want to communicate asynchronously. If it fails, hell will break loose (and all services cease functioning).