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Write a program to Create a Dictionary with Key as First Character and Value as Words Starting with that Character in Python

Home » python » Write a program to Create a Dictionary with Key as First Character and Value as Words Starting with that Character in Python

In this tutorial we are going to learn about creating a Dictionary with Key as First Character and Value as Words Starting with that Character in Python.

Python Program to Create a Dictionary with Key as First Character and Value as Words Starting with that Character

test_string=raw_input("Enter string:")
for word in l:
    if(word[0] not in d.keys()):
        if(word not in d[word[0]]):
for k,v in d.items():


  1. User must enter a string and store it in a variable.
  2. An empty dictionary is declared.
  3. The string is split into words and is stored in a list.
  4. A for loop is used to traverse through the words in the list.
  5. An if statement is used to check if the word already present as a key in the dictionary.
  6. If it is not present, the letter of the word is initialized as the key and the word as the value, and they are appended to a sublist created in the list.
  7. If it is present, the word is added as the value to the corresponding sublist.
  8. The final dictionary is printed.