How to learn Java quick
This tutorial is a heads’up for all the freshers and Java learners to understand and learn Java in a real quick way.
The first things first, I would like to give an example on learning things, which is applicable to everything, not only Java. But in here, our main agenda is to learn Java.
Let’s take an example, I have given you a stack of books to arrange, which belongs to ten different categories. After a while of time, I asked you the books I needed from category 9, category 2, category 6 etc. Now you should be in a position to hand over the books, I needed spontaneously and accurately.
Imagine the above situation as a Java interview you are facing and interviewer asks you a set of questions from different topics randomly. To answer them spontaneously and accurately, you need to have a thorough understanding of the below-mentioned topics. To be in a position to do so, you need to learn Java in a systematic, organized and in a planned way. So that you will have a clear layout of the topics that are present in the Java as mentioned below.
1: Introduction to Java
1.1 What is Java
1.2 Why Learn Java
2: Getting Ready for Java
2.1 Installing the JDK + NetBeans, Eclipse, STS Bundle
2.1.1 What is JDK
2.1.2 What is NetBeans, Eclipse, STS
2.3 Your First Java Program
2.4 Basic Structure of a Java Program
2.4.1 Package
2.4.2 The HelloWorld Class
2.4.3 The main() Method
3: The Variables and Operators
3.1 What are variables
3.2 Primitive Data Types in Java
3.3 Naming a Variable
3.4 Initializing a Variable
3.5 The Assignment Operator
3.6 Basic Operators
3.7 More Assignment Operators
3.8 Type Casting In Java
4: Arrays and Strings
4.1 String
4.1.1 String Methods
4.2 Array
4.2.1 Array Methods
4.2.2 Finding Array Length
4.3 Primitive Type vs. Reference Type
4.4 Strings are Immutable
5: Making Program Interactive
5.1 Displaying Output
5.2 Escape Sequences
5.3 Formatting Outputs
5.3.1 Converters
5.3.2 Flags
5.4 Accepting User Input
6: Control Flow Statements
6.1 Comparison Operators
6.2 Decision Making Statements
6.2.1 If Statement
6.2.2 Ternary Operator
6.2.3 Switch Statement
6.3 Looping Statements
6.3.1 For Statement
6.3.2 Enhanced For Statement
6.3.4 Do-while Statement
6.4 Branching Statements
6.4.1 Break Statement
6.4.2 Continue Statement
6.5 Exception Handling
6.5.1 Specific Errors
6.5.2 Throwing Exceptions
7: Object Oriented Programming Part 1
7.1 What is Object-Oriented Programming?
7.2 Writing our own class
7.2.1 Fields
7.2.2 Methods
7.2.3 Constructors
7.3 Instantiating an Object
7.4 Static
7.5 Advanced Methods Concepts
7.5.1 Using Arrays in Method
7.5.2 Passing Primitive Type vs Reference Type Parameters
8: Object-Oriented Programming Part 2
8.1 Inheritance
8.1.1 Writing the Parent Class
8.1.2 Writing the Child Class
8.1.3 The main() method
8.2 Polymorphism
8.3 Abstract Classes and Methods
8.4 Interfaces
8.5 Access Modifiers Revisited
9: Collections
9.1 The Java Collections Framework
9.2 Auto-boxing and Unboxing
9.3 Lists
9.4 ArrayList
9.4.1 ArrayList Methods
9.5 LinkedList
9.5.1 LinkedList Methods
9.6 Using Lists in our Methods
10: File Handling
10.1 Reading a Text File
10.2 Writing to a Text File
10.3 Renaming and Deleting Files
11: Advanced Java Topics
11.1 Generics
11.1.1 Bounded Types
11.2 Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions
Refer to this tutorial to know interesting facts about Java, The story behind Java.