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Write a program to read a Text File and Counts the Number of Times a Certain Letter Appears in the Text File in Python

Home » python » Write a program to read a Text File and Counts the Number of Times a Certain Letter Appears in the Text File in Python

In this tutorial we are going to learn about reading a Text File and Counts the Number of Times a Certain Letter Appears in the Text File in Python.

Python Program that Reads a Text File and Counts the Number of Times a Certain Letter Appears in the Text File

fname = input("Enter file name: ")
l=input("Enter letter to be searched:")
k = 0
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        words = line.split()
        for i in words:
            for letter in i:
print("Occurrences of the letter:")


  1. User must enter a file name and the letter to be searched.
  2. The file is opened using the open() function in the read mode.
  3. A for loop is used to read through each line in the file.
  4. Each line is split into a list of words using split().
  5. A for loop is used to traverse through the words list and another for loop is used to traverse through the letters in the word.
  6. If the letter provided by the user and the letter encountered over iteration are equal, the letter count is incremented.
  7. The final count of occurrences of the letter is printed.