What is Singleton Design Pattern in Java and Why it is used
In this tutorial we are going to learn about Singleton Design Pattern in Java with an example.
Singleton Design Pattern
This is one of the famous and simplest design pattern. The main intent of this design pattern is to ensure that a class has only one instance is created all over the application and there is a global point for the accessing. Here the object is initialized on the first use.
Why Singleton Design Pattern
- The primary purpose of a Singleton class is to restrict the limit of the number of object creation to only one. This often ensures that there is access control to resources, for example, socket or database connection.
- The memory space wastage does not occur with the use of the singleton class because it restricts the instance creation. As the object creation will take place only once instead of creating it each time a new request is made.
- We can use this single object repeatedly as per the requirements. This is the reason why the multi-threaded and database applications mostly make use of the Singleton pattern in Java for caching, logging, thread pooling, configuration settings, and much more.
Below shows a simple singleton class called SingletonObject and it is called from the class called MainClass.
public class SingletonObject {
private static SingletonObject instance;
private SingletonObject(){}
public static SingletonObject getInstance(){
if(instance == null){
instance = new SingletonObject();
return instance;
public String sayHello(){
return "Singleton Worked !!!";
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SingletonObject singleton = SingletonObject.getInstance();
Here what happening is the MainClass can’t initialize the SingletonObject directly because the constructor of SingletonObject is private so it can’t access from outside. So the MainClass try to initialize the SingletonObject using the getInstance() static method inside SingletonObject class. The getInstance() method tries to check if the instance of SingletonObject already initialized or not if it is not initialized yet then it will create a new instance of the corresponding class and return it.
But the above SingletonObject class having some loopholes are there for proving it was not singleton which are.
- If multiple threads are accessing the getInstance() method at a time then there is a possibility of duplication of instance
- It is also possible to duplicate an object by overriding the clone() method so in that case it becomes not singleton
To resolve the above issues, we need to alter the code for SingletonObject little bit. Below shows the changed code.
//The synchronized keyword is for the thread safety
public static synchronized SingletonObject getInstance(){
if(instance == null){
instance = new SingletonObject();
return instance;
public String sayHello(){
return "Singleton Worked !!!";
//This method is to restrict the object creation by using clone method
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{
throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
Also refer to this tutorial, In which you will get to know about How to break the Singleton Design Pattern